Christmas Recipes: Gingerbread-inspired Energy Cookies Recipe (Vegan & Gluten Free)


Ingredients needed:


8pks Instant Oatmeal (I used this GF variety)

1 cup Cashew Butter

2/3 cup Maple Syrup

1 Tb Molasses

½ tsp Cinnamon

½ tsp Ginger



Step 1:


            Empty the packages of oatmeal into a big bowl to mix everything in. Add the cashew butter, maple syrup, molasses, cinnamon & ginger and mix well. I usually stir using a spatula or large spoon with a folding motion and then use my (clean or gloved) hand to squish everything together more evenly. I usually let the ingredients rest for at least 30 minutes at this point.


Step 2:


            Now squish all those ingredients out flat and have your cookie cutters of choice ready. (I recommend hollow cookie cutters so they don’t stick in the cutter. I also used a bit of coconut oil on the inside of my cookie cutters to prevent sticking.) You can use a rolling pin to flatten them if you have one. I find that I can get by without one, and smoothed out the dough with my hands. I liked them around 1/4 inch thick, but a little thicker is just fine, depending on preference.


Step 3:


            Use the cookie cutters to cut the energy dough into shapes, and press them softly out of the cookie cutters and set them on a tray or dish.


Step 4:


            Now you can let them rest or put them into the fridge or even the freezer. I like mine cold, but they are also shelf stable if you want to take them on a long hike. They just may lose a limb or two if you throw them into a backpack- like the fellow below:



I am giving these as part of Christmas treat boxes! I hope you enjoy this recipe!  






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Gluten Free Oatmeal!


My Favorite Cashew Butter





This is the Cheaper Syrup, it's pretty good, but I bought mine from the recipe at Aldi

(The syrup from Aldi is good for the price, and so is this one!)


 A whole gallon of molasses is a whole mood in my world 

(You may not need a whole gallon, but it fits my lifestyle.)




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